Tuesday, February 26, 2008

KDE Desktop VS Gnome

After several hours of reading posts on www.boycottnovell.com with regards to the mono code in Gnome and that fool Miguel oh what ever his name is are really hurting the Gnome desktop. Huh! Why? You ask, because they are using .NET code in certain Gnome applications when they can use C++, Java or even Python, but no the they choose to use a proprietary Microsoft(sucks) core language. So I decided it was time for a change and I took KDE for a spin, and you know what I found out is that KDE Desktop is a more solid desktop from a user stand point. Yes, Yes I know what your going to say but in your last post you trashed KDE! That was before I tried it, we all make mistakes damn it at least I can admit mines.

After using KDE for some reason Gnome feels cheap, like is missing something.
A good example is the Dolphin file manager, it just feels more like what a file manager should be, oh dare I say it feels more along the lines of Windows. The one thing Gnome has going for it is the fact that is highly customizable and you can tinker with pretty much every and the same maybe true for KDE I just have not tried to make any custom configurations to it.

Also KDE applications feel like they are part of the Desktop or for what it seems like the OS, I don't for some reason it has a great feel to it. What I mean is that it feels like everything flows right where as in Gnome most applications just don't seem to fit at times, maybe because some are KDE applications or they are applications that are design/built for just Linux with no specific desktop or Distro in mind. Regardless of what the issue with Gnome is, KDE will get more of my attention. The one drawback that I though would be an issue was the KDE icons, but I found out that I can change their size, so it worked out great!